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Mistakes Students make every year

Mistakes Students make every year  1.Not learning how to learn           As you see most of the students when they start their new session they start from the page first or from chapter first and making notes and start highlighting the things. Making notes and highlighting the things are ok but the main thing is how much you learn and understand. By this way we can't memorize the things even after next day we forget the things which we had learnt pervious day. And this is known as forgetting curve (which means we forget some percentage of things after a specific time with increasing rate). And after forgetting things students revise their notes by reading, I think which has no importance. And the things which makes studies interesting are the concepts like Active Recall, Space Repetition, Over Leaning, Categorizing etc. So in coming blog I will explain these things in detail. So remain in connected...  2.Thinking study as Single person game   ...

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